Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Wait

Humanity is one the most ridiculed species in the universe. Our existence entails various circumstances, situations, arrivals, departures and humanity within itself; a series of waiting processes.

We wait to be born, we wait to die. But within the waiting process of birth and expiration of life; we live. We live to wait. When I served in the U.S.M.C., a coined expression that any "jarhead" will attest to is; "Hurry and Wait." Hilarious!

Within my own affairs; I've waited to start school; couldn't wait to graduate. I waited for my ASVAB scores; couldn't wait to get the hell out of the Corp. I waited patiently to get married; didn't wait for the honeymoon before I was filing for a divorce. Presently as most will attest to; I couldn't wait to meet the love of my life; I did and we are still awaiting God's direction for our lives. We plan to succeed, and though our venture has a few twist and turns, we continue to trust God.

To wait on God; Hope. To step out of God's will; Spiritual ignorance. I will attest to the fact the most women are anxious for love, and at times we pursue relationships that leave us heartbroken and bitter. Had we waited on God, we would reduce our track record, and better yet; our baby daddy's. Hey let's keep it real. But, even in patiently waiting and believing God's will to be in play; sometimes things just don't work out; Kudos to experience.

We all have our various whims and experimental trials of love, but we all have the God given right to; keep it moving. I think Gucci Mane said it better; "girls are like buses, miss one next fifteen another one coming." Well, so is life. You miss this opportunity; another will soon come. You fail at this right turn, you have a option to make a left or a u turn. But, God's sake don't give up.

Recently we had a major change in plans that proved fruitful in the latter. But through the whole ordeal of investigating various obstacles and emotions; God proved Supreme. God will allow those times that we become transparent and have to face our demons. The true test comes when you are faced with; "can we get through this?" Yes you can. However if you can't, pray about it and possibly seek other avenues, or just; "get off at the next stop."

"My Love'" is the most logical, yet spiritual person I know, and will weigh several options if need be before actually pursuing a venture within his/our journey. This is a commendable attribute. I must admit sometimes we think we have it all figured out, plans are set and God will allow an occurrence to not necessarily change the course, but offer alternatives and options that will prove fruitful if we meditate/pray about His divine will.

God has a permissive will and a divine will. The case with Abram and Sarai (Abraham & Sarah) Ismael through the handmaiden; Hagar was God's permissive will (Genesis 15-18). But the promise was with Sarah conceiving Issac (God's divine will), Abraham seed according to the covenant God made.

Oftentimes we rush for the permissive will and other look or even deny God's divine will; i.e. giving up not realizing had we "waited," we would've proved successful.

Are you are waiting at the bus stop of life? Here are a few pointers that may prove fruitful.

1) Be on time (even if the bus takes a detour; it's usually with a reasonable time parameter)
2) Have a schedule (remember most buses run for all day and half the night)
3) Have the right change (be it a change of heart, change of perception)
4) Know where to get off! (self explanatory)

So, my friends; Psa 27:14 Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.

Stay blessed,
Ti Mae (inspirations from - "Inspired Love Loyalty and Friendship" - Jelaco)

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