Saturday, December 5, 2009

Thanks; Giving

My first inclination was to write a piece concerning the fall outs, the fall backs, and the fallen; concerning relationships..yada yada yada. But honestly folks; relationships are a bit overrated. The divorce rate is at an all time high, but everybody's getting married. The reasoning behind the madness concerns me.

Unfortunately during the holiday season most couples try and tough it out; only to find out they really can't stand each other after money is spent on worthless gifts, and promises are still left in file thirteen. What used to be adorable is now incorrigible, and you simply detest this, that, or the other.

My question is; why does it take a holiday to encourage or discourage emotional bliss or blunder? Tomorrow, today, or last week is Thanksgiving, (depending on when you view this blog), and most families are preparing to feast on delicious homemade recipes. Vittles are, depending on your preparation, done and ready for loving consumption. The stomach is willing, but your flesh is still hungry for the inevitable; Thanks Giving.

We thank God for food, holidays, bonuses, our children...yada..yada...yada, but we still harbor the most disgusting feelings towards each other. It's no wonder families are irreversibly broken due to striving to accomplish; a dream. Tell a dream as a dream; until you can interpret the vision God has predestined, even the American dream becomes obsolete and oblivious at best.

I've deterred from the emotionalism that escalates the dramatics on "hold-the-day." I need resolution this year, I needed the fake smiles during dinner to diminish, the endless waiting on phone calls to terminate and better still the perpetual lies to cease.

I resolved last year not to go another year preparing to entertain a "day." I choose to celebrate my life everyday, and relish those special moments with family and friends. The holiday is just another reason to get together; outside of the occasional to weekly or monthly phone calls to check in on a love one, or friend.

I refuse to ever accept the unacceptable. I will love unconditionally, but this does not mean I have to tolerate what no longer benefits me emotionally, spiritually or better yet financially. Why be broke and unhappy. The economy is what it is...but somehow we still manage. Our forefathers have seen worse, and they still, by faith, made it through. We have to rely on faith that those individuals that we've tolerated for so long will make it as well. God is God all by himself; He doesn't need our help.

As the end of this year comes to a close; contemplate where you are personally. Don't allow the holidays to hold you hostage to a situation that will be worse starting out your new year. Make amends, or come to a concluded end; no sequels.

Thanks for Giving yourself a chance; for a change.

Stay blessed...Thankful and Giving every day of the Year

You; God's Blueprint


One of the most profound lyrics I heard this week; came in the voice of Steve Arrington- (Nobody can be you, but you). In the song, the writer coined the hook with such revelation, I had no other choice but to write my personal sentiments, in hopes that a heart might become enlightened or strengthened.

The song itself was one of my all time favorites back in the day, but better still because, I'm a firm believer in; "staying real, being who you are, take off the mask," kinda rhetoric. When I try and become what people want to be, or a trendy persona which will fade out, or who I assume a person wants me to be; I fail miserably. God designed me from specified blueprints, which entail my name and my journey. I can not travel your road, nor abide within your blueprint, nor you mine.

We all have a divine purpose; as to evolve into God's purposed believer. When we adjust our blueprint, or try and renovate without God's divine will, we manipulate our journey. It's like running a marathon and having a friend pick you up, so you can get to the finish line before every other participant. Or better still, changing running shoes, which may not be regulation running shoes, and etc.

The point stands to reason; are you who God intended you to evolve into? Or better still, are you trying to become what you suppose your significant other will appreciate or a friend will chill with? Your course at this point; is under construction. We wonder around aimlessly trying to find purpose in our lives. We try running buddies, new concepts, new loves, and nothing quite satisfies our race, until we finally resort to running our own course, as God designed it. The book of 1 Corinthians and Hebrews speak on this wise; (1 Co. 9:24) we run to obtain a prize, but yet still in another place, (Heb. 12:1) he spoke of laying aside every weight which so easily beset us.

We run spiritual races, we run career races, family races, etc., but until we come back to the original course (or track) which God designed we will prolong the journey of reaching divine success.

I've pondered my race, and I've set out to regain God's course. I am who I am; no one can change it.
Find your course in life; and run it. Pace yourself; forsake the anxious spirit. No one can run my race for me, and until I learn the above principles; I will never be chosen as a relay runner.

Then and only then can we successfully pursue our separate journey's. God has provided us "help mates," but, there still stands the question of; " how can two walk together accept they agree".....but that's another subject.

Stay blessed,
Ty May (Precious)

Just A Thought: Live and Learn

Just A Thought: Live and Learn