Tuesday, March 16, 2010

"The Thinking Cap"

As life continues it's synonymous course with time, humanity continues it's mundane course of uncertainties and probing inquiries. At day's dawning our minds awaken to the constant chaos of decisions. We contend to itemizing what issue takes precedence over yesterday's issue, and how we can minimize literal thinking. When we are plagued with decisions, we usually weigh the severity. If the resolve is baffling or non-existent, we tend to confer with trusted confidantes, or seek advice from associates. My mama used to say; "put on your thinking cap." Oftentimes the same counsel we seek from others, we can actually contemplate ourselves.

It's not uncommon to ask for advice on certain subject matters, however one might receive quotes such as; "what would you do if I wasn't here?" In other words, "you know you, better than anyone." It's best to allow your decision-making skills the opportunity to serve it's purpose. It's vital that we as humankind, encourage ourselves, and utilize the power of thought. It is not always necessary or vital to confer every occurrence in our individual lives with spouses or otherwise. It becomes a bit tideous for all parties involved. Until one comes to that defining moment which I myself came to several years ago, one's mind will stay in constant limbo, under-nourished, and lay dormant.

The best unforunate turn of events that ever happened to myself was to literally cut a "friend," completely off. They had taken residence in my personal business containment. This scenario is fruitless and makes for a friend becoming a foe. It became unbearable to bear my soul on every issue of my life to this individual. Oftentimes individuals take the term "best friend," way out of context. It's best to maintain parameters, and more so, contemplate your own needs first and foremost and if you cannot come to a reasonable solution then consider conferring with a trusted associate/friend or significant other. Either way, give yourself the right to think for YOU!

Lastly, consider how decisions affect other's in your immediate surroundings. Many times than few, the response of others are irrelevant or redundant to your own resolve. Take charge of your mind, and your life. Maintain a healthy level of mental maintenance, and as an adult don't allow yourself to become so dependent on the responses or favortism of others.

Speak to yourself, speak for yourself and think for yourself!

Ty Mays
March 14, 2010

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